Thursday, January 17, 2013

my thought process

as i was driving home from work yesterday, i spotted a small brown animal out of the corner of my eye. my immediate thoughts were: oh my gosh, there's a Yorkshire Terrier puppy playing on the side of the highway! i quickly began contemplating whether or not i should drive around the block to re-check what i had seen. when i say quick, i mean i had 8 seconds to make a decision on whether to save the puppy

side story: i may or may not be guilty for "stealing" dogs out of people's yards. it's only happened twice & i was completely sure at the time that both dogs were lost & needed my help. needless to say, both dogs were safely returned to their owners the very next day. =)

at the last second, i veered off the highway and raced through a neighborhood so that i could get back on the highway to save the puppy. the whole time i was picturing this in my mind...

i also began thinking: how am i going to catch this dog // what if it runs from me, do i chase it? // we already have a dog, Dooley // we're getting another dog in a week! // will T let me keep the puppy? // if i keep it, i'm going to need to get puppy supplies // i'm so excited to get another new puppy! // oh, what will i name him/her? 

i'm about to get back on the highway to go snatch-up my new puppy. it's working out perfectly, i pull out onto the highway and luckily there's no cars driving behind me. this makes it so that i am able to slow down to see if the puppy is still there. as i'm getting closer, i see the little brown ball of fur. i basically pull to a stop on the highway and look to see...

my puppy turned out to be a Nutria! a GIGANTIC RAT! i had convinced myself that i would be going home with a puppy that day, but all i went home with was a hilarious story. i cracked up the whole way home.

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