you turned 8 months old yesterday. i forgot to take your monthly picture...oops! i wish i had gotten around to starting these letters before you were born, but oh well, nothing like the present. you are such a wild woman and as cliche as this is, your Dada and I fall deeper in love with you everyday.
you have yet to face a challenge that you are unable to conquer. you are so determined to have things your way, and most, if not all of the time, you do get your way. it scares me that I might be raising a brat. you already throw mini temper-tantrums when i take something away from you. last night, it was a brush. you wanted to chew on the handle; i didn't want you to fall and gag yourself. I'm constantly thinking about who you will be someday. but, no more dwelling on the future, here are some things that have happened recently :)
like i said you are so determined. you have given your momma one heart-attack after another. since you have become mobile and started crawling you explore every inch of space you can get your hands on. one case in particular, you had just started crawling. you weren't very good at it yet and didn't move very quick. you fell asleep on my bed and i was too nervous to move you into your crib in fear of you waking up and deciding you didn't need a nap anymore. (your sleeping situation is a long, looong story for another letter, that and your birth story:)) so i left you, and barricaded you with pillows. you always wake up whining for me, so i figured I'd hear you before you were able to crawl off the bed. the house was quite and i was getting chores done when all of a sudden chief barks and then you start crying. i yell, "damn you chief! you woke up the baby!" and go walking back into the bedroom to get you. you were not on the bed!! panicked and fearful, i run to the side of the bed where you lay sobbing. you had silently crawled off the bed and (luckily) had fallen onto a pillow. you were OK, and i snuggled you and soothed your tears, but it was hard to get that yucky gut feeling of 'what could have happen' out of my stomach. that was the last time you napped on our bed without supervision. however that wasn't the last time you sent me into panic mode.
p.s. Momma never told Dada this story (yikes!). I just couldn't bear the guilt i knew he'd put on me.
another time, just recently, we were spending an afternoon at the pool with aunt Leigh, uncle Carter and your cousins. you were floating around the baby pool in a blowup float-thing. one minute you were minding your own business, just hanging out, the next, poof - over the side you went. gosh, I've never moved so fast! i ripped you out of the water and there you were, unfazed that anything bad had happen. you had about three women around the pool ready to jump in fully clothed. you had held your breath, so you weren't coughing up water or anything and you didn't once shed a tear. all i could think was, Lord, help me!
fast forward to that was about 8:30 in the evening. dinner was ready and starting to get cold, I had a list full of things to get done before bedtime and you were ready to partay!! now we have this routine (nurse, eat, play, bath, pjs, nurse, sleep), also another story for another post, but you had different plans for the evening. you absolutely did not want to go to sleep. you were crawling on me like a jungle-gym with no plans to close your eyes anytime soon. i was over-it!
side note: you had been falling asleep while i rocked you, and then i would transfer you to the crib where you would sleep for about an hour or so; just long enough for me to eat some dinner and finish my chores before bedtime. you see, you sleep with us. every. single. night...
however, this time i was over it, SO over it that i stuck you in your crib to cry it out. you, like always, immediately lost your shit. it starts out with crying and then it turns into full-on screaming until someone picks you up. i walked out of the room and told Dada we were going to let you cry. about 20 minutes later after an anxiety-filled dinner had been scarfed down with screaming shrills coming from your room, Dada told me he was going to get you. just as we were walking back to your room we hear a thud, and the crying stops. i literally almost threw up. i told Dada to go check on you in fear of what i might find. he ran to your room and turned on the light and there you were crawling across the floor babbling "MaMaMa". You were OK! Dada told me to sit down because i had lost all color in my face. You had a lump on your head, but we googled "how to tell if baby has a concussion" and i called the pediatrician the next day. long story short, you figured out how to get out of the crib before you were 8 months old!!
Lord help me! Mamie, you will be the death of me! I'm so sorry this first letter had to be about all the bad things that have happen. I guess I just wanted to get all this off my chest so I could start writing about all the wonderful things you have done :) You learn so fast and you never cease to amazing me!! i love you sweet bebe!!
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