where, oh where, to begin. let's see, we got quite a lot done on Friday. you had your 9 month checkup, which consisted of two shots :( you absolutely did not enjoy them this time. (the past couple times you would cry a little and then you'd be quickly over it.) this time you cried the whole way out of the doctor's office. i really hope it doesn't make you hate the doctors, but who really likes going to the doctors. after your appointment we took Dooley to the vet to have her annual check-up and get her shots as well. and then we went home and just hung around the house. it wasn't until later that night that things took an awful turn. Dad and I ate dinner late, due to him hanging out with Uncle Lock wayyy too late. so when we finished eating, it was close to 11 pm. i immediately felt queasy, but figured it was from eating too late. about an hour later i was hunched over the bathroom toilet with the worst stomach bug :((( it was the worst i have felt in a looong time! after doing a lot of researching i reasoned that it was best for you to stay with me and nurse you. apparently i pass antibodies to you so your immune systems recognizes the virus if you catch. it's Tuesday now, four days later, and knock on wood i really hope your in the clear!! Dada came home form work yesterday with the bug. and when i got home form work, you better believe i sanitized any and everything in the house! I'm just really hoping we get rid of this yucky soon!
i also have to say that we have the very best Joanie ever! she comes to my rescue every single time i need her! i really don't think there has been a time that she's not helped me out in a pinch! and you absolutely love going to her house.
so this weekend turned into the weekend firm hell and now Dada and i are recuperating this week. i really hope we feel back to ourselves by this weekend!! i didn't take any pictures over the weekend, so i will post some that were sent to me last week. love you little girl!!
your last afternoon snuggle with Uncle Lock :( well maybe not last, but now Lock goes to work because he has a job!! |
your FIRST BIKE RIDE with Noma!!! she said you loved it! and how cute are you with your helmet on! |
after your 9 month checkup, at the vet's office...passed out |
Mamie's first selfie -- you were holding the phone and somehow managed to turn the camera on. i clicked the photo button, but you were crying because you thought i was trying to take the phone away. you're weirdly obsessed with electronics |
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