Monday, November 23, 2015

10 months, two days


we've made it to 10 months! hallelujah :) my love grows deeper for you everyday. i love watching your personality develop. you are the life of every party we go to, and i love it! you finally have one top toothy poking through your gums. i seriously cannot wait until you have a mouth full of teeth! C has like 6 teeth already; you only have three, haha! they will pop up soon enough!

lets see, you still haven't walked on your own yet. i know you can, but the minute i let go you drop to a crawl. Joanie (and Dada) both say they've seen you take have the cutest pair of moccasins. you get compliments everywhere we go. for a while you hated wearing shoes, but i would make you wear them. you like to take them off in your car seat.

i write random things down in my phone so that i can remember them when i write these letters to you. here are some of the things that I've jotted down since my last letter to you:

one morning (Nov. 10th, to be exact) i walked into the dark bedroom after showering. As i was checking on you and Dad all snuggled up in the bed, i noticed you had the biggest smile across your face. You were dreaming about something good :) you do this quite often and it makes me so happy :)) - i wished i had a camera right then so that i could snap a picture and remember that moment forever. so many moments are like that; i wish i could freeze time.

one morning when i was dropping you off at playschool, we walked into Joanie's classroom and you started growling at her. she was very confused and asked why you were making that sound. i told her you were growling at the tiger. (she has a life-size tiger in her classroom in the reading corner). it was so funny. you now growl when we ask you what a tiger/lion/jaguar says. you did this same thing when we took Dooley to the vet. you started growling at a Pomeranian and the man looked so confused. don't worry, i explained to him you thought the dog was a lion. hah!

you're a paci stealer - i forget to put your paci in your lunch box and i was reminded by your teachers to make sure i never forgot to pack a paci again. you stole every kids paci all day long...

ummmm, you can whistle...don't know a 10 month old who can do this, but you have figured it out when we were outside whistling for chief, as we were walking back inside i hear a tiny whistle and look down to see your lips puckered up. since then if i whistle, you will try to whistle too. its not loud but you get a tiny sound out every now and then.

one afternoon i jumped into the shower. i think I've written about this before, but i baby gate the stairs/lock the doors/keep the bathroom door open/etc. anyways, i put you in your walker and you wined about me "leaving" you...when i got out of the shower you had somehow turned around in the walker seat. like you were facing forward with each leg in a leg-hole, but now you were flipped around, each leg in a hole. another thing, you would only go forward - like, you were flipped backwards, but would still push the walker forward. let's just say you were all out of whack...don't know how you did it; kind of scares might be almost time to graduate from the walker ---by the way, i don't know how i will take showers if you find a way to get out of the walker. i took a video so i could show Dad and Uncle Lock. i will hopefully figure out how to post it on here.

i would like to apologize to you now, last Saturday morning i was running around frantic because we had a 1st birthday to attend. it started at 10 am (your birthday will be from 11:30-1:30, because it's too cruel to all the people who don't have to be up that early to go to a birthday at 10 freaking o'clock in the morning); whatever, you can tell I'm bitter about the time...anyways, as I'm feeding you yogurt you fling the spoon everywhere- yogurt is all over the place. i get kind of mad and decided to give you a squeeze pouch instead. as i go to feed you the pouch, you take both hands and squeeze the shit out of it. it literally exploded everywhere and i screamed right in your face, "what the f*uck Mae!" you started crying; dad woke up; he got mad at me because i yelled at you. he said you will probably have mental issues one day because of me, and he is probably right. i love you anyways #momfail

last, I've taken a ton of photos of your nursery. i just cant help it, its the cutest room I've ever seen and i want to remember it it always. i will work on that post soon!

there's also another post that i know needs to be written, but it's going to be hard for me. i know it will probably make me tear up, so I'm putting it off. the world is in a weird place, and that is all I'm going to write for now.

on a happier note, Thanksgiving is this week and I'm so excited! last year i was feeling so pregnant with you in my tummy! and we're just one more holiday closer to Christmas! i honestly don't know which holiday i love more! but i know i like spending them with you!!

love you forever and ever sweet girl!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

happenings lately


i can finally see light at the end of the tunnel and now i wish i could go back and re-live it all. for awhile i was scared that maybe i was not cut out to be a mom. this actually scared the heck out of me because being a Mom was what i pictured myself being my whole life. it takes a lot of juggling, but i'm starting to get the hang of it's only taken 10 months, lol.

10 months (on the 21st) - you're such a big girl, but still my little baby. you babble all the time and we have the cutest conversations. you're still not walking yet, but cruising all around the furniture. you will walk with help and we practice all the time!

teething has been intense, and i mean like hardcore. i feel so bad for you, but then think we've all been through it. i'm just glad you wont remember any of the pain it has caused you. i stayed home from work for two days the first week of November it was so bad. you woke me up early Tuesday morning; you were burning up, so i stripped you down and we fell back asleep. when you woke up again about 5 am, you were still on fire. i took your temperature and sure enough you had a fever (101.5*). for two days you had a running temp of about 101*F. and for two days you snuggled on my chest and we just rested. i am positive this was from teething. i called the pediatrician and they confirmed. at one point you started getting sleepy and acting lethargic so i took your temp and it read 103* - i freaked! we had run out of Tylenol and i was waiting on Joanie to get off work to bring you more. i filled the bath up with tepid water and stripped you down to try and bring your temp down. this resulted in you crying and shivering, so i pulled you out and bundled you in a towel. your temperature slowly came down but i was pretty frantic for about 20 minutes. you now have all 4 top teeth about to cut. i seriously cannot wait! this means you get to try more of what Dad and i are eating.

i have noticed you preferring not to eat the organic pureed pouches we have been feeding you. you are becoming more and more interested in "real" food. I've started to cook things that you can also enjoy. i have also vowed to start feeding you in your high chair. like i've written before, you hate restraints, and when you ate the pouches it was easier to have you sit on my lap. last night you ate a ton of mashed sweet potatoes and pieces of mandarin oranges. you also really like guacamole. Dooley is your best friend during dinner time and you have taken note that she too likes to eat. needless to say, you are becoming aware that any dropped food she happily eats. so you drop a lot of food.

i think you're starting to get the routine in the evenings. after i pick you up around 5:30 pm, we go home and i quickly unpack and pick up. we then lay down so you can nurse and get a quick snack to hold you over until dinner. Dad comes home around this time and takes you outside to water the garden and hangout while i get a couple chores done. either Dada or i start cooking dinner (our goal is to have everything ready by 7 pm). whoever isn't cooking dinner plays with you. we eat, and then bath time. you would play in the bath all night if i let you, but i usually take you out after about 15-20 minutes because you start to stand up and play with the water spout or the shower liner. i bundle you up, and its off to put pjs on! at this point your mood can go two different ways. sometimes you are ready and happy to put pajammies on, other times you're overly tired and you fight it, and squirm and have a meltdown. either way, i get you dressed, and then we pick out a couple books.

for awhile i thought you might not like books, but i think it was an age/development thing. lately i have been reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear and then another book that i choose, and you are actually laying down and listening to me read. surprisingly right after the second book you are ready to nurse and fall asleep. it makes me so happy when you quickly fall asleep, and even more happy when you're passed out by 8 pm. i hope this is a trend that lasts :)

love you little girl!! xoxo,

 AF, you & C - Oct. 31, 2015
a Nole, a Dawg & a Gator

 both of these pictures are from your "sick" day. this is how we stayed for two days. i hate it when you're not feeling well :(

 one of the nights you passed out before 8 pm.

FSU v. Clemson, we lost :( Dad blames it on me because i told him we lose when you don't wear your cheerleader uniform -- i took off your dress to go to James' 3rd birthday that night...oops!

i cant even handle this picture!!! you are so freaking cute!! you are so sassy in the picture!

Monday, November 2, 2015

January 21st: Aquarius Birthday Horoscope Personality & Analysis

Birthday Meanings Of People Born On 21st January (Zodiac Sign Aquarius)

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS JANUARY 21, you are irreplaceable! The 21st January birthday zodiac sign is Aquarius – the Water Bearer. You give the appearance of being one cool cat. You have this internal magnet that draws people toward you. You cannot go anywhere that people do not know you. You walk into a room and own it.
As people have this impression of you, those that do not know you would say you are stuck on yourself. In all actuality, you are very fun loving, humorous and lovable individuals. Aquarius, you seem to encompass many attractive qualities or so says your birth day personality profile.
You are smart and beautiful but you can be somewhat unconventional in your way of thinking and doing things. To say the least, you have great close relationships with friends and family. They are your source of strength and companionship.
For people with a January 21 Aquarius birthday, you are number eleven in the astrological tree. This zodiac sign is known as the Water Bearer. My dear Aquarius, you are a natural born leader. Even though your personal life is important to you, you place it on the back burner for your career.
You are too intelligent and talented for your abilities to go to waste. You think that your talents should be used for the greater good of the people so, you share the rewards with others. You love it when people are attracted to you for your brain rather than your sex appeal.
The birth date horoscope for January 21 born Aquarians says that you are more traditional in romantic affairs than other Aquarians. You very much want to pair up rather than be another notch on the post. When someone sparks your interest, you are passionate and hopeful that it results in a love commitment.
Because of your popularity and your emotional brick wall, it is hard for you maintain a new romantic relationship. It is as if those with January 21 birthdate push people away or choose those that they cannot have to begin with. Can it be that when things start to go your way, you mess it all up? It is something to think about. Otherwise, you are a reasonable and objective Aquarian.
You are the “go-to” person. Friends, family and your subordinates know they can count on you. With your charm, you possess those qualities to rub noses with the right people. Your tireless pursuit of success, money and perhaps, notoriety, keeps you busy.
With all you have going on, 21 January birth date people can be moody at times and understandably so. In your quest of these goals, you hate to hurt anyone’s feelings so you feel bad when you lash out at someone you love. The truth of the matter is that the ruthless nature of success is that other people get hurt. You want to live a lifestyle uncommon to your upbringing, so you take with you a determination to beat the odds.
The Aquarius birthday astrology analysis says that you have to be resourceful to come up with new and profitable ideas as those born on January 21. Most of which are risky. You always have had a flair for the unusual.
You have a need to advance and so, you try to come up with new ways of improving, building or manufacturing things. Being the observant Aquarius that you are, you have learned important life lessons. It could be where you developed your leadership qualities.
What your birthday says about you is that you have come quite a long way. But you still have not found that one thing that drives you out of bed in the morning. There are many job opportunities you want to involve yourself in.
You are talented enough to become an instructor, a politician, speaker, or someone in the health care industry. You could actually be a gifted songwriter or have the ability to sing. The decision lies within you. Whatever it ends up being, you will be great!
Some would say that being born on January 21 makes you a stimulating Aquarius. I would say so! Your energy is incredible. You juggle different goals and give each your best. It would drive some other Aquarians crazy but it is your sanity.
Speaking of your sanity, you have a tendency to hold grudges. Aquarius you need to let go. It is in the past. Make your peace with it and move on. Do a little spring-cleaning so you can get something new in its place. Get a haircut or a new color while you are at it. Change can be good.

BirthDate Symbols:

The Water Bearer Is The Symbol For The Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Birthday Tarot Card:

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The World. This card shows completion, success, rewards and a need to contemplate before making decisions.

Birthday Love Compatibility:

You are most compatible with people born under Sun Sign Libra: This is a very understanding match between two people who appreciate each other.
You are not compatible with people born under Sun Sign CancerThis is a challenging and difficult relationship.

Birthdate Numerology:

Your Favorable numbers are:
Number 3 – This is very expressive number known to live life to the fullest.
Number 4 – This is very practical and organized number known for its excellent management skills.

Lucky Colors For Birth Dates On January 21st:

Purple: This color is associated with royalty, luxury, ambition and power.
Mauve: This color stands for spiritual consciousness, justice and the will to aspire for higher goals.

Lucky Days For 21st January Birthday:

Saturday – Planet Saturn‘s day stands for foundation, competence, power, ambition and permanence.
Thursday – Planet Jupiter‘s day that symbolizes expansion, intelligence, luck and optimism.

Birthday Stone:

Amethyst is a gemstone that symbolizes calmness, clarity and soberness.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gift For People Born On The 21st Of January:

A book of world politics for the man and crystal jewellery for the woman.
Information can be found here.