Monday, November 23, 2015

10 months, two days


we've made it to 10 months! hallelujah :) my love grows deeper for you everyday. i love watching your personality develop. you are the life of every party we go to, and i love it! you finally have one top toothy poking through your gums. i seriously cannot wait until you have a mouth full of teeth! C has like 6 teeth already; you only have three, haha! they will pop up soon enough!

lets see, you still haven't walked on your own yet. i know you can, but the minute i let go you drop to a crawl. Joanie (and Dada) both say they've seen you take have the cutest pair of moccasins. you get compliments everywhere we go. for a while you hated wearing shoes, but i would make you wear them. you like to take them off in your car seat.

i write random things down in my phone so that i can remember them when i write these letters to you. here are some of the things that I've jotted down since my last letter to you:

one morning (Nov. 10th, to be exact) i walked into the dark bedroom after showering. As i was checking on you and Dad all snuggled up in the bed, i noticed you had the biggest smile across your face. You were dreaming about something good :) you do this quite often and it makes me so happy :)) - i wished i had a camera right then so that i could snap a picture and remember that moment forever. so many moments are like that; i wish i could freeze time.

one morning when i was dropping you off at playschool, we walked into Joanie's classroom and you started growling at her. she was very confused and asked why you were making that sound. i told her you were growling at the tiger. (she has a life-size tiger in her classroom in the reading corner). it was so funny. you now growl when we ask you what a tiger/lion/jaguar says. you did this same thing when we took Dooley to the vet. you started growling at a Pomeranian and the man looked so confused. don't worry, i explained to him you thought the dog was a lion. hah!

you're a paci stealer - i forget to put your paci in your lunch box and i was reminded by your teachers to make sure i never forgot to pack a paci again. you stole every kids paci all day long...

ummmm, you can whistle...don't know a 10 month old who can do this, but you have figured it out when we were outside whistling for chief, as we were walking back inside i hear a tiny whistle and look down to see your lips puckered up. since then if i whistle, you will try to whistle too. its not loud but you get a tiny sound out every now and then.

one afternoon i jumped into the shower. i think I've written about this before, but i baby gate the stairs/lock the doors/keep the bathroom door open/etc. anyways, i put you in your walker and you wined about me "leaving" you...when i got out of the shower you had somehow turned around in the walker seat. like you were facing forward with each leg in a leg-hole, but now you were flipped around, each leg in a hole. another thing, you would only go forward - like, you were flipped backwards, but would still push the walker forward. let's just say you were all out of whack...don't know how you did it; kind of scares might be almost time to graduate from the walker ---by the way, i don't know how i will take showers if you find a way to get out of the walker. i took a video so i could show Dad and Uncle Lock. i will hopefully figure out how to post it on here.

i would like to apologize to you now, last Saturday morning i was running around frantic because we had a 1st birthday to attend. it started at 10 am (your birthday will be from 11:30-1:30, because it's too cruel to all the people who don't have to be up that early to go to a birthday at 10 freaking o'clock in the morning); whatever, you can tell I'm bitter about the time...anyways, as I'm feeding you yogurt you fling the spoon everywhere- yogurt is all over the place. i get kind of mad and decided to give you a squeeze pouch instead. as i go to feed you the pouch, you take both hands and squeeze the shit out of it. it literally exploded everywhere and i screamed right in your face, "what the f*uck Mae!" you started crying; dad woke up; he got mad at me because i yelled at you. he said you will probably have mental issues one day because of me, and he is probably right. i love you anyways #momfail

last, I've taken a ton of photos of your nursery. i just cant help it, its the cutest room I've ever seen and i want to remember it it always. i will work on that post soon!

there's also another post that i know needs to be written, but it's going to be hard for me. i know it will probably make me tear up, so I'm putting it off. the world is in a weird place, and that is all I'm going to write for now.

on a happier note, Thanksgiving is this week and I'm so excited! last year i was feeling so pregnant with you in my tummy! and we're just one more holiday closer to Christmas! i honestly don't know which holiday i love more! but i know i like spending them with you!!

love you forever and ever sweet girl!

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